Aspects of a good banner

So this is where the blog becomes arbitrary, because what defines a good banner? There is no single answer to that question, so I will go with my personal opinion on this one.
Aspects of a good banner are:
- Nice artwork - you can create your own, but it can't hurt to search for a nice picture when creativity isn't part of your skillset. Remember that even though the artwork by itself can look awesome, the chopped version might be none of that.
- A route with flow - Be aware that length of your banner will determine the means of transport chosen by the masses. It is good to keep in mind that backtracking with a bicycle is far less easy than by foot.
- Landmark start or end point - Too many banners either start or end at a portal that is in some back alley or no where near the landmark that is the object of the banner (top image is from the Holocaust Mahnmal banner in Berlin).
- A nice souvenir - People like taking souvenirs home with them. Creating a banner with a local touch is always a plus.
- Cutting your picture shows craftmanship - Often banners come online that do have that great artwork, but are cut the wrong way. A result with both eyes invisible or just half of the mouth make you wonder whether the wonderful artwork is fit for making a great banner picture.